Genesis in Home Spa The best eco-friendly luxury nail spa experience in New York City, Long Island and The Hamptons area.

Keep The Pampering, Ditch The Toxins

Our society is finally starting to embrace the idea that self-care is not selfish; it is absolutely necessary to live a happy and healthy life. The ultimate in pampering for me?

A massage, followed by a mani/pedi.

Not only is the experience itself thoroughly enjoyable with self-care written all over it, but you also get to leave with pretty nails. Win/win, right?

Not so fast.

There’s some things  you should know about the typical nail salon and why I stopped going years ago (and why you should too!).

As much as we may not enjoy thinking about it (trust me, I get it!), this is really important

What you may consider to be a beautiful moment of self-care can actually expose you to an alarming number of chemicals and toxins that damage your health.

So let’s take a deep dive into the dangers of conventional nail salons and nail polishes.

Here’s a note of forewarning: You will read about some scary chemicals that are prevalent in most every nail salon. You may be tempted to brush it off and say, “It’s not all that bad.”

But if you want to live a life of vibrant health and high performance, where you can still enjoy getting pampered please take heed and pay attention to what is shared here.

I won’t leave you in the muck. We are also going to learn about what to look for in organic nail salons and non-toxic polishes.

Think of this as self-care with an extra dose of care.


Have you ever walked into a nail salon that smelled more like a chemical plant than a relaxing spa? I know I’m not the only one!

That’s because you basically did walk into a chemical plant.

Nail salons are a haven for toxic chemicals.

You’ve got the nail polish, the polish remover, cuticle creams/softeners, scrubs, lotions, and a plethora of cleaning supplies swarming around in one small space.

And do not think high-end necessarily means toxin-free. Toxins are equal opportunity offenders.

They may say beauty is pain, but beauty shouldn’t be illness. It shouldn’t be cancer.

It shouldn’t be dangerous to our reproductive systems. But science has showed us quite clearly that chemicals like formaldehyde, DBP (dibutyl phthalate) and Toulene can do just that. Here’s some quick facts:

  • In the nail industry 10,000 different chemicals are used and 89% have never been properly tested for safety (1).
  • According to the Department of Health and Human Services’ Report on  Carcinogens, “Formaldehyde is known to be a human carcinogen based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity from studies in humans…” (2)
  • DBP has been reported to cause severe birth defects in animals and is a hormone disrupter (3)


Fortunately, some brilliant brands decided to be innovative and come up with formulas without the big health no-nos.

And lucky for us – many nail salons are beginning to recognize that using safer products during their services is the right thing to do.

That means that it’s getting easier and easier to find organic nails salons which is exactly what we want!

I am going to introduce you to products that are game changers, like:

  • Nail Polish sans the bad chemicals (You may have already heard of 5-free or 7-free polishes…I will show you what that really means.)
  • Nail remover sans the acetone

Then I’m going to share the details on toxin-free sanitation, whether or not organic nail salons are truly organic, where to go, and what safe polishes to buy for DIY nails.

Typical nail polishes are chalk full of toxic chemicals that are connected to serious health issues like hormone disruption and cancer.

Below you will find some chemicals that conscious nail polish brands are starting to remove (which means plenty of brands still have them…eek!), why they are so dangerous, and the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) (4) toxicity score – for reference.

1 is fabulous and 10 is flat-out hazardous.

You may be shocked at what has been hiding in that glam polish all along.

  • Dibutyl Phthalate (DBP) is linked to endocrine system disruption, organ toxicity, and allergies. It could also cause  infertility and birth defects with prenatal exposure. EWG score: 10.
  • Formaldehyde – you know, that chemical used to embalm dead bodies – has a high cancer concern and is linked to allergies and organ toxicity. EWG score: 10.
  • Toluene is supposed to be paint thinner. Aside from asthma, potential kidney issues, and digestive system toxicity, toluene has been connected to lymphoma and fetal development damage. EWG score: 10.

  • Formaldehyde Resin is, as the name suggests, a derivative of formaldehyde. Though it is not as dangerous as its namesake, it can cause allergy issues for many people. EWG score: 4.
  • Camphor is not generally considered a super toxic ingredient; however, there have been documented cases (5) of camphor poisoning leading to seizures in small children. EWG score: 2.
  • TPHP helps create that plastic quality of polish. It has been shown to have reproductive toxicity as well as general hormone disruption. EWG score: 5.
  • Ethyl Tosylamide is another type of plasticizer that has been found unsafe in European countries. EWG score: 3.
  • Xylene is normally used for fragrance or masking bad smells, but it is connected with multiple organ toxicity as well as nervous system issues. EWG score: 8.
  • Parabens is the group name for various preservatives; some are benign and some are toxic. Parabens are also linked to hormone disruption. EWG score: varies between 1 and 7.
  • Lead is already known as a huge health issue. It can cause cancer and reproductive toxicity….but it’s still found in products we use everyday…like nail polish. EWG score: 10.


We already have the blessed news that nail polish does not have to be a health nightmare. Check that worry off the list.

But what about the polish remover?

Acetone is not the worst chemical you can find at nail salon… not by far. In fact, the Environmental Working Group gives it a 3, for moderate hazard.

But many of us probably already know acetone can be extremely drying to the nail and the surrounding skin.

Outside of being an irritant, there is some evidence of toxicity to the nervous system – not to mention there are occupational hazards for the nail techs.

If we are serious about beautiful bodies being healthy bodies, why not take advantage of a safe alternative?

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